
To receive funds administered by the 学生 金融援助 Office at 拉马尔州立大学 Port Arthur students must be making measurable progress toward the completion of an 合格学位或证书. 联邦法规要求学生的全部 academic record be evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), regardless 学生以前是否获得过经济资助.  Due to the complexity of this policy if you have any questions contact the Financial 请援助办公室进一步澄清.

For a student to be eligible to receive Federal student assistance at 正规靠谱赌博软件, 学生 必须 维护 令人满意的进展 在如下所述的研究过程中:

  1. 量化的标准完成至少70%的课程.  成绩不及格,辍学,不完成学业 而回采可能导致完井率达不到70%.
  2. 定性标准-学生必须满足 最低绩点2.在大学目录中定义为0.
  3. 150%最大时间范围-在获得学位所需时间的150%内毕业.

*学生s who have re-entered 正规靠谱赌博软件 on Academic Probation will be considered ineligible 申请经济援助.  学生必须遵循适当的申诉程序,以获得任何减刑 情况下.

*Satisfactory Academic Progress bases enrollment status on the number of hours in which 学生 is enrolled as of the college census date or when 金融援助 每学期收到资金(以较晚者为准).

*学生s must be enrolled at least 6 semester credit hours to be considered for financial 协助和维护SAP.

* 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 Calculates SAP annually at the end of spring semester. 对于一年或更短的项目,SAP每学期都会进行审查. 如果你参加 夏季学期,SAP将在夏季学期结束时进行审查. 将对SAP进行审查 一旦成绩被公布在大学的系统中. 如果学生满足三个条件 the conditions listed above, they will remain eligible to receive federal student 援助资金到下一个评估期.

Under Federal regulations once a student has received a Bachelor’s Degree from any institution or reach 600% of Pell eligibility, they are eligible to receive Federal 贷款,但不是佩尔助学金.  拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港参加了 提供补贴和非补贴贷款的直接贷款计划. 拉马尔州立大学 亚瑟港不提供家长PLUS贷款.


学生可以重修以前通过的课程(一次). 这门重修课 will be counted towards a student’s enrollment status, and 学生 may be awarded 第四章援助.   但是,如果学生通过了一门课程,那么重新学习将得到补偿 it and fails the second time that failure counts as their paid retake and 学生 第三次补课不收费吗.  学生应联络 在复读课程之前向财政援助办公室申请.


Normally students cannot receive financial assistance for periods of enrollments beyond 已公布课程长度的150%(以尝试的总学时计算).


学位/证书 小时/追求未遂
副学士(两年制) 尝试/追求90小时

If a specific two-year associate degree program has a total published program length of 60 semester credit hours the maximum time frame a student has to complete that 课程是90个学分.  所有其他机构的工作都将 transfer into the 正规靠谱赌博软件 degree plan, as required courses, will be included in the 项目完成时间框架. 学生可以在课程结束后继续参加正规靠谱赌博软件 completion time frames have expired, but no financial assistance can be awarded to 学生.  例外情况可根据具体情况通过上诉程序提出. 学生 must complete the Excessive Hours/Earned Degree Appeal and submit to the Financial 援助办公室.


Grades of F (Failed), Q/Q6 (Dropped), I (Incomplete), U (Unsatisfactory), W (Withdrew), 或NG(无职系)


Each required developmental course which has been successfully completed will be considered 计算SAP的时间.  但是,发展课程的总数 to be accepted toward the minimum hour requirement listed above cannot exceed a total 9个学时.  (发展课程,成绩不是a, B,或 C,将不被接受为SAP,也不会被视为工时.)


  • 进入大一新生- will be considered to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress when 学生 被正规靠谱赌博软件录取.  此后,学生必须成功见面 此政策的最低学术要求.
  • 返回的学生- who have missed the equivalent of at least one long semester (Fall or Spring) will be considered to have remained academically eligible if 学生 meets the GPA requirements, successfully meets the requirement pertaining to the number of hours 完成学业,并被正规靠谱赌博软件重新录取. 
  • 转学生入学- will be considered eligible if   学生 is successfully meeting the minimum 该政策的学术要求以及gpa为2.0.
  • 继续正规靠谱赌博软件-符合本政策中SAP要求的学生. (评估将 be based on 学生’s records, academic history, and documented 情况下. This includes all academic periods, even those in which 学生 didn’t receive 金融援助.).


  • 上诉程序- 学生s with mitigating 情况下 contributing to failure to 维护 SAP may submit an appeal with any supporting documentation to the 金融援助 Appeals Team.  If a further appeal is desired, 学生 may submit additional information in support 向学生资助署署长提出的上诉.  如果学生想要一个 further appeal after these first two levels, 学生 may submit additional information 支持向学生服务处处长提出的上诉.  提出上诉 不能保证获得援助资格.  因此,学生们有 been denied 金融援助 due to lack of SAP must be prepared to pay their registration 成本.
  • 减轻处罚的情节- The evaluation of unusual 情况下, which may have influenced academic performance during the semester/year; might be used in the determination of academic eligibility.  Mitigating 情况下 may be considered even though 学生 does not meet all 学术资格的要求.  一些不寻常的情况可能 be considered are: 1) Verifiable employment of 30-40 hours or more per week while attending the college less than full-time status; 2) Personal injury of extended illness supported by specific documentations; 3) Returning student after several years of non-enrollment; 4) Unusual 情况下 that affected students’ academic performance including death or illness of a family member; 5) Other special 情况下 as determined 按机构划分.
    • 上诉中应包括的资料 - Specify why SAP was not 维护ed and what plan you have in place that will allow SAP将在下个学期结束时进行维护.  完成学业 上诉并提交给财政援助办公室.
    • 结果 -一旦决定最终确定,将向您发送电子邮件/信件.  这个决定 could be, Granted 金融援助 Probation, Academic Plan Approved, and Academic Plan 批准更改专业或被拒绝. 如果你的上诉被驳回,你就没有资格了 有资格参加这个学期. 如果你的情况发生了变化,那么你就有 有权就你希望参加的下一个学期提出上诉. 财政援助 决定是最终的.
  • 退出学院的学生- 学生s must 维护 SAP according to this policy including the semester of withdrawal.  Returning students who left 正规靠谱赌博软件 on academic suspension who are readmitted to 正规靠谱赌博软件 on academic probation will not be considered for federal 金融援助 until 学生 是否达到了SAP的最低要求.  建议学生参加暑期班 以完成学期规定的学时.  学生可适当上诉 任何减轻情节的程序.


  • 通知学生资助办公室- Once SAP has been achieved, students meeting any of these criteria may be reinstated 考虑经济援助.  未能保持学业资格的学生 after being reinstated will become ineligible for aid consideration at 正规靠谱赌博软件 until 他们已经达到了SAP的要求. 学生需要提出上诉才能被考虑 欲知更多资格.
  • 恢复财政援助- 学生s terminated from 金融援助 participation due to lack of SAP may become 一旦符合SAP要求,他们就有资格再次获得经济援助. 在此期间 学生 must achieve academic progress sufficient to bring his/her overall performance 与这一政策的标准保持一致.